Blood Borne Pathogens
This course is designed to inform employees of the health risks, biosafety levels and registration requirements for work involving biological materials.
Course Prerequisite: No
Course Length: 2.0 Hours
Delivery Mode: Lecture 2.0 hours, Practicum 0.0 hours
Course Objectives:
OSHA / BBP covers the following topics:
Definitions of biological and Biohazardous materials.
Agent risk groups (4) and corresponding CDC/NIH Biosafety levels (4).
The OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard - definitions, scope, agents and risks, exposure incidents, & the Hepatitis B vaccination series (available to all potentially exposed personnel).
Universal precaution standards
Disinfection, spill response, and proper shipping of biological.
Course Instructional Materials:
Projector with PowerPoint slide presentation
White Board
Personal Protective Equipment (gloves and safety glasses)
Biosafety labels and signs
Instructors: OSHA qualified blood Bourne pathogens educator
Training Compliance Requirements: This course may serve as either the initial Bloodborne PathogenTraining course or an annual refresher course.
Course Handouts:
Course Outline
PowerPoint presentation handouts
OSHA Fact sheet "Reporting Exposure Incidents"
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) "Hepatitis B Vaccine. What You Need to Know"
OSHA Fat sheet "Hepatitis B Vaccine - Protection For You"
Participation Evaluation: Written evaluations regarding the effectiveness of the trainer, the training, and the visual aids.
Written Exam: Yes. Students must score at least 75% (6 correct out of 8) on a multiple-choice exam to pass the course.
Practical Exam: None
Retraining/Recertification: OSHA recommends yearly refresher training